Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

0 Mulak Tu Huta

00.50 Under From Rado mjs
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MUlak Tu Huta (Bahasa Batak ) yang artinya Pulang ke Kampung Halaman sesuatu yang pasti ingin sekali dilakukan oleh masyarakat dijakarta.

Banyak hal yang akan didaat, salah satu nya saya pribadi ialah mendapat nasihat dari orang tua yang dapat menjadi motivasi yang sangat memabangun untuk menggapai cita-cita yang diinginkan .

walaupun disamping sisi ada sesuatu yang ada terbeban, tetapi itu semua dapat terselesaikan jika ada kemauan dan niat dari hati dan doa yang selalu dipanjatkan ke Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

Dalam perjalanan berangkat, pasti pada umumya setiap orang akan sangat senang pulang ke kampung halaman, di sana akan bertemu sanak saudara yang telah lama tak berjumpa, walaupun perjalanan yang cukup jauh, tetapi itu semua bukan menjadi hambatan. Melihat pemandangan Danau Toba yang indah dan medan jalan yang membuat jantung dag dig dug pun berasa, tetapi itu semua sangat menyenangkan :)

Setibanya di kampung halaman, tak sabar diriku untuk bertemu saudara yang telah menunggu, walaupun dalam benak diri aku cukup agak merasa yaah gitu laah .. :p

Pemandangan dan keseharian hidup di Samosir masih kental dengan kebudayaan yang sampe sekarang masih dijalankan, dari bentuk rumah, adat dan marga hingga kekerabatan yang sangat erat. Masyarakat batak toba di samosir kesehariannya ialah bercocok tanam dan beternak .

Pada pagi hari saya mencoba ikut saudara saya ke ladang membawa horbo ( Kerbau ), pengalaman yang sangat mengesankan membawa kerbau ke ladang :D

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0 Tugas 3 Payment Letter + Reply

00.05 Under From Rado mjs
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Payment letter is meant here is the letter order (ordering) the goods and the focus is on the method or means of payment. The method of payment in the mail order goods can be made through bank account transactions, money orders (bank draft), check (ceque), can also be made in cash or on credit.

The letter is a letter of inquiry from prospective buyer to the seller requesting a quote. That is, the prospective buyer requested by letter that the seller should apply formally to him. With the offer of the seller will potential buyers will know the price, terms of sale and purchase, and a description of the goods or services to be purchased. This is the purpose of the prospective buyer a written request to the seller offers. When a prospective buyer has to know the condition of the goods / services following the price and terms of sale and purchase, of course he did not need to ask for a quote from the seller. 

Letter of inquiry required in formal trade demand formal procedures formally in writing. A large company as a salesman, for example, is not to simply serve the solicitation of an offer over the phone. Letter of inquiry is often an early stage of the business transactions. Through a letter of inquiry to ask a potential buyer or to request information about the goods or services to be purchased. In reaction, the seller explaining things to the buyer make an order and ultimately business transactions as the top buying and selling proces

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0 Tugas 2 Style of English Business Letter

00.03 Under From Rado mjs
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Style of English Business Letter

1. Full Block Style : Business Letter
At this writing Full Block style: Business letter usually located on the left like a letter head, date, inside address, subject, Salutation, body of letter, complementary close, signature or the whole of the form of the letter is in the position of the left.

2. Modified Block Style : Business Letter
In Modified Block writing style: Business letter format is usually the shape of the letter on the letter head, date, and signature are at the right rate. and the rest are at the left, such as the inside address, subject, Salutation, body of letter and enclosure.

3. Indented Style : Business Letter
In this format each line at the beginning of a paragraph begins with a few spaces from the left. Spacing is usually 1 cm. This letter has a format that berleku-curve shape. While the letter head, complementary close, and the signature is in the mail. While the date is in position flush right. Other parts of the letter that inside address, subject, Salutation, and the body of a letter is in the position of the left.

4. Semi Block Style : Business Letter
Semi Block Style Format is the format of a form letter on letter head, date, complementary close and signature are in a position centered letter. The other part remains inside the left such as the address, subject, Salutation, Boddy of letter.

5. Hanging Style : Business Letter
Hanging Style Format Format paragraphs are hanging, or leaning to the left. these veins form on letter head, date, complementary close and signature are in a position centered letter. Other parts of the letter that inside address, subject, Salutation, body of letter is in the position of the left. At the beginning of each paragraph of the letter have spaces.

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